Three new Trustees were voted onto the Board at the Annual Meeting of the Membership, September 27, 2019: Joan Whitlow, Louis George, and Daniel Bennett Three new Trustees 2019
On November 26, 2018, The Danvers Historical Society received a Cummings Employee Directed Grant to ensure funding and programs for people to develop skills and apply them to our organization. Our “Come Grow With Us” program welcomes all abilities and all ages at our historic properties. Dana B. and Michael…
By Ethan Forman, Satff Writer, Salem News Jul 10, 2016 DANVERS — Danvers Historical Society officials and two North Shore lawmakers met with representatives of Secretary of State William Galvin’s office in Boston this week to find a way to save the once squirrel-infested Derby Summer House. The nonprofit is…
By Ethan Forman, Staff Writer, Salem News Aug 23, 2016 DANVERS — The 222-year-old Derby Summer House, damaged by water after squirrels chewed on its timbers last year, will get a new lease on life, thanks to a $50,000 emergency state grant. Secretary of State William Galvin handed over the…
By Ethan Forman, Staff Writer, Salem News Feb 13, 2017 DANVERS — The Historical Society is launching a major fundraising campaign to pay for repairs to the historic Derby Summer House at Glen Magna Farms, as it moves ahead with the nearly $200,000 project.
A family legacy that endures for generations can inspire and inform us in the present, especially when that legacy invites the wider public to enjoy and learn from it. Legacies may involve long-lived industries or political influence. For Ellen Peabody Endicott, born into an affluent Massachusetts family in 1833, her…