Speaker Series: John Greenleaf Whittier, Abolitionist

By March 19, 2025 Events

Wednesday, March 19th, 7pm.

Oak Knoll DanversDid you know that Oak Knoll in Danvers was the home of poet John Greenleaf Whittier from 1876 until his death in 1892? Many literary and political figures traveled to Oak Knoll to visit Whittier and enjoy the extensive naturalistic gardens surrounding the house.

Chris Boehmer will give a presentation on John Greenleaf Whittier, the 19th-century abolitionist from Essex County. 20th century people memorialized Whittier as a beloved Quaker poet, but Whittier was also a fierce antislavery activist who worked tirelessly to oppose the institution of slavery. Rarely seen artifacts will be on display.

Chris Boehmer is an independent historian, writer, singer, and songwriter. Since retiring from a career in data engineering in 2021, she’s been researching the historical antislavery movement in Essex County. You can read her newsletter at antislaveryinessexcounty.substack.com, in which she shares untold stories of the local antislavery movement from 1760-1860. Chris lives in Andover with her husband and her dog.

We are proud to participate in Mass Cultural Council’s Card to Culture program.

Speaker Series, every 3rd Wednesday, 7pm.
Including a temporary exhibit of related artifacts from the Society’s collections.
Tapley Memorial Hall 13 Page Street, Danvers MA.
Danvers Historical Society: 978-777-1666 or E-mail to dhs@danvershistory.org
Donations appreciated.