DHS_Newsletter_Feb2013 Vol13 No1
A National Landmark – Now, almost 225 years old, the Tea House is showing its age. Repairing and restoring this National Treasure (one of only 2400 National Historic Landmarks including, for example, the White House, the Capitol and Jefferson’s Monticello) is a top priority for the Society.
A Rebellious Woman – In May, 1770 men attending a Danvers town meeting pledged to neither import, buy or use tea until the British Government repealed the
tea tax. At that time women did not have the right to attend town meetings or even to vote; therefore, they did not have a say about this
new pledge. Tea was the most popular beverage served in the colonies and many women held tea parties to entertain their friends. By 1774
one Danvers woman rebelled against her husband’s pledge of “no tea will be served in this house.”